BloG Indigenous Gardening on the North Coast of Natal LETS BRING BACK THE WILDLIFE – W Balcomb Some Zinkwazi gardens can boast that in addition to their wealth of birdlife, porcupine, blue duiker, mongoose and tortoises live in the dense cover of the coastal bush. We...
We woke to hear that crowds had converged on a beached dead whale in front of the car park at Zinkwazi. Meat was being hacked from it by locals by the bucket load and taken away to eat. I understand that it was a juvenile humped back whale that was washed up after...
Zinkwazi folk love walking up the beach towards Tugela on the low tide. If the weather is good its a very pleasant and polular activity. A few came across a turtle nest in the process of hatching. No sign of course of mother turtle, but about 30 babies had emerged...